“Teen Driver” OBD Tracker User Guide – PocketFinder LTE
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“Teen Driver” OBD Tracker User Guide

3 min read

Hi ,

Thank you for being a PocketFinder customer!

Below is a copy of the full User Guide for your Teen Driver tracker. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns!

The PocketFinder Teen Driver Vehicle Tracker & Driver Behavior module is an OBD plug-in GPS tracker designed for vehicles like sedans, SUVS/ Trucks, and even commercial vehicles. 

The Teen Driver posts its GPS location every 60 seconds while installed, properly calibrated, and in motion. The device detects Speeding, Harsh Braking, Rapid Acceleration, and Harsh Turns, alerting the driver with a “beep”. Parents and family monitoring their teen driver can receive real-time alert notifications via text message and email. This real-time feedback and other alert features offer training to your young driver and provide you peace of mind when it comes to your child’s safety when out on the road. 

The PocketFinder Teen Driver Vehicle Tracker & Driver Behavior module uses the latest in GPS and LTE cellular technology to provide accurate and timely location data as well as alerts. Because this unit utilizes GPS, it is most accurate when the vehicle is driving in an area free of obstructions (tunnels, cliffs/ mountains, large bodies of water). If the GPS location received is determined to be within 75 meters of where the device physically is, the device will post the GPS location. The device uses LTE cellular signals to send the location data to our servers you can then view it live via your App and Online Interface. If the device stops registering movement for 5 minutes, it will go into a low power mode and update its location once every 3 hours. Once it starts registering movement again it will track every 60 seconds. 


PocketFinder is happy that you are joining us in the cause of improving Teen Driver Safety! Clicking the link HERE, you will find the step-by-step instructions for Activating, Calibrating, and Test Driving your new device to ensure everything is set up properly. 

***We recommend Activating, downloading the app, and setting up features online while at home. Then Installing, Calibrating and Test Driving once the activation and initial feature set up is completed.***



GREEN (POWER) Solid = Properly Powered

Flashing = Loss of Power

Off = No Power

BLUE (LTE CELLULAR SIGNAL) Flashing = Searching for Signal

Solid = Communicating with Servers

Off = No Signal

RED (GPS SIGNAL) Flashing = Searching for Signal

Solid = Gained GPS location

Off= No Signal


Download the App

To download the app from your mobile devices for both iOS and Android, search “PocketFinder” in your app store app. To download the “PocketFinder” app from the web click the following links:

Google Play Store


Contact Book, Driver Behavior, and Alert Set Up:

Below are descriptions of the various alerts and features we offer for your Teen Driver device.

For the best experience, we recommend setting up the various features on your Online Interface.

Contact Book – This is an internal contact book for your account. Once saved, you can set up the features below and pick and choose which contacts are alerted via SMS text and Email. 

Driver Behavior – A 3-in-1 deal, Driver Behavior detects Harsh Braking, Rapid Acceleration, and Harsh Turns. When one of these events is detected, a “beep” from the device will sound to alert the driver. Those monitoring can be set up to receive an alert when one of these events occurs so parents can review with their driver. 

Speed Alert – Speed Alerts are based on the posted local speed limit where the device is driving. You can choose to be alerted if the vehicle drives 5, 10, 15, or 20 MPH over the posted speed limit on the road being driven on. 

Power Cut – This feature allows you to be alerted when the device stops receiving constant power. This can occur if the car battery dies, the device is disconnected, or comes loose. If power is cut, the device will alert you. Once the device is properly installed and receiving power, a “Power Restoration” alert will be sent.

Zones – Also known as “geo-fences”, Zones are an added level of security. When the digital perimeter is set up, you will be alerted each time the device enters and exits the designated zone area. You can set up as many zones as you like, including zones within zones (around the house, the neighborhood, the whole town). Zones can be made small enough to fit around a standard house and about a 500-mile diameter at their largest.

Limited Users – Essentially, you can have as many people as you wish logged into your account at once. This can be done online and through the app. When your account is set up, your credentials are for full access. You can provide these credentials to anyone you like, and they can log in with full access like you. With the Limited User option, you create separate credentials that set up the users as “view only”. They have no access to adjust settings but can still receive alerts and view live tracking.

Additional Links

Activation/ Calibration/ Test Drive: https://pocketfinder.com/docs/teen-driver-obd/

Troubleshooting Guide: https://pocketfinder.com/docs/teen-driver-trouble-shooting-guide/

FAQs and Other Resources: https://pocketfinder.com/docs/teen-driver-faqs-and-other-resources/
General Support Page: https://pocketfinder.com/docs/

Support Email: customerservice@pocketfinder.com
Support Voicemail Line: 866-726-7543